This week was a busy week. I finished the reading Personality and Artistic Creativity, and I was interested about this article talks about the idea of creative process between introvert and extravert. Jung pointed out the idea that inspired creator’s process extravert lies in his having objectified his unconscious. In extraverted process the artist is aware that he is subordinate to his work or stands outside it, as through he were a second person, or through a person other than himself had fallen within the magic circle of an alien will. For introverted characters, which means getting inside their point of view, indeed, there may sometimes be a need to assume a person with the opposite attitude throughout a story or novel. Just like us talks about the idea in Dr. Madeline’s lecture, the introvert need create things alone. They like a quite environment, and use their personal experience. They like to be alone and do not need talk with people too much. For extrovert, they prefer to get energy from talk with people and to be social. They need other people, also I think they need get other people’s experience become their ideas and put in their story or creation. The creation from extrovert, they will consider whether their story can be accepted for variety of people and different ages of people.
From my perspective, I think I was an introvert creator. When I think about things I like to be alone. I like put my personal experience and interesting in my work, even do not think about whether others can be accepted. For example, every time I doing my patenting project in painting class I will repaint after class. I feel very hard to concentrate or to thinking ideas in front of a lot of people. As a result, my friends tell me do not paint in class; do not waste your painting material. I am also afraid to do group project because not only yourself in this group, you must consider other people. There is a problem I often ask myself, is there any thing wrong if I only create things or getting ideas all by myself, never consider other people’s feeling or other people like or dislike my creation. Should I change the way for my creation process? In other words, if we do not consider audiences’ felling, is this creative project will be successful? However, some times I will think creativity is the way to express your personality, to let people understand you through your creation. May be not everyone can understand you, but at least some people can or some people will related their personal experience from your creation.
I have a busy week because this project. i must say i was very excited about what i have already down. this is a body go through object. my body can go through from hole of the top box, just like i come out from these flowers. I was so happy i finished it because i never touch the machines in workshop, and this is the first time I create something use wood and i learn how to use different saws and tools to make different shapes and to combine wood together.